Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Works Of David The King David - 1706 Words

Throughout the history there has been major events that occurred which left an impact for generations. A major history that was recorded in the bible was â€Å"King David†; base on our understanding of history David was once just a normal shepherd until King Saul the former ruler of Israel appointed him as the new air to the throne. In the present year David is known as the slayer of Goliath killing him with stones he put in his sling and cutting of his head. This event was printed as a biblical history because it is said that before he became King, â€Å"God gave Saul the position to become the first emperor of Israel, but after disobeying god’s words he was rejected from the throne† . David became the symbol of Florence, many artists have done sculptures of him and two of the best artists were Michelangelo and Bernini. These two were talented of creating sculptures inspiration of David; although the subjects are the same their style of sculpting is different. T here were other artist whose done sculpture of David, but by far these two were the best, in my opinion. â€Å"Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni†, was born in the 15 century the time of the â€Å"High Renaissance†, he was announced â€Å"the greatest artist in his time† . When he was only 12 years old â€Å"Michelangelo was sent to study at Florence and became an apprentice under Ghirlandaio† . Michelangelo was born in a religious family; most of his artwork is based on the legends of how humanity was created and Christ. He alsoShow MoreRelatedReligion995 Words   |  4 PagesJothams fable, trees try to decude who will be king, the olive, fid and grape vine decline as they will have good work to do, only the bramble wants to be the king, purseus it with force. 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