Thursday, February 13, 2020

Final project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Final project - Essay Example A harmonious combination into the use of these instruments fell into categories such as metal, stone, clay, bamboo, wood, bone, string, and gourd. The instruments gave symbols to Chinese people. These instruments were rudimentary and played about five notes out of the seven musical notes. The most recognized instruments in this episode include the Guzheng, the Zhong Ruan, the Liuqin, the YangQin, the Erhu, the Dizi, the Pipa, the Zheng, the Rattle drum, and the Xun, which was a wind musical instrument, and one among the ancient and oldest instrument used in China, approximately 7,000 years ago. In the past, the Xun was played in the open and provided the main part of the entertainment. It dates back to the Neolithic age. It has six holes at most and a very simple structure. Its sound creates a unique artistic feeling that inspires (Jin, Li & Rong 65-73). The changes in time and rapid development of musical instruments led to more instruments that were played in china to about over 70 instruments. Among them as recognized in the episode were the Qin, which is the oldest instrument of its time in the world, and can take on many shapes and accommodate many sounds. It was produced in the imagery of a cloud, and playing it required good manners by the players; hence, it was reserved for scholars. This instrument was mainly used to cultivate the mind and character of the player. The other instrument is the chime whistle used by ancient hunters, the pottery drum, the pottery whistle, and the chime stone, which originated from a simple farm tool, and resembled an ancient plough. Other instruments identified include the Shao Jingqun, the Piano, and the Chime bells, which were large and had complex shapes. The bells comprised 65 in total and weighed about 5 tons. There was also the chime stone that is recognized for being predominant in the musical industry of the Chinese, the giant drum found in the excavated tomb, and perceived as

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Final Writing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Final Writing Assignment - Essay Example The statement is so true as evidenced by the breach of terrorists over the American airspace undetected and resulted to the destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, an institutional landmark of the country, that killed thousands of innocent people. Scheuer stated that Bin Laden believes that the foreign policy of American is an attack on Islam. Bin Laden, through his Al Qaeda group was pinpointed to be responsible for the 9/11 attack – precisely the group that was being governed by Scheuer. Scheuer’s remarks are disturbing as they are validated and supported through his years of experience as an officer of the CIA. His contentions about Bin Laden as a threat to America at the time he was heading the unit was so pronounced and yet, according to him, there have been precisely 10 times when killing Bin Laden was possible but not ordered by then Presidents Clinton and Bush. As clearly identified, he noted that there were two opportunities to kill Bin Laden in May of 1998 through CIA resources and eight times in 1999 through US military aircraft but the President did not clearly order the attack. Missing these opportunities paved the way for Bin Laden’s ability to prove that America can be attacked in their own soil without the need to immediately respond and identify the attackers.