Monday, December 30, 2019

Usage of the French Expression Tout à Coup

The  French expression  tout à   coup  (pronounced  too ta koo) means all of a sudden. It literally translates to all at (a) blow. Its  register  is normal. ​​Tout à   coup is a very common French expression which indicates that something happened abruptly and unexpectedly. Examples Sans dire un mot, elle a tout à   coup pris son sac et est partie.Without a word, she suddenly picked up her bag and left.Tout à   coup, jai perdu lappà ©tit.All of a sudden, I lost my appetite. Tout à   coup is often used interchangeably—though technically incorrectly—with the French expression tout dun coup.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Three Major Themes and Ideas fromRosencrantz and...

Think of everything in life, what do you know for certain? Would it be hard to believe everyone is not there; everything is a lie. Think back to the Platonic allegory of the cave; maybe what was real is only an opinion and all that is seen is shadows on the wall. Who are you? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern play with the theory of caves and what is real. Are people truly in charge of their lives? Or is every decision established based around others and forced. There comes the debate and thought of freedom; are you free? Free from sadness, anger, evil, terrible weather; what is free? There are three messages from the intellectually challenging movie, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead; the idea of freedom, Platonic allegory of the cave, and†¦show more content†¦Does that make us walking dead bodies too? Everyone is going to die; we are just waiting for that moment when it happens. Third, words are all people have to go on; however, it also keeps people from always being able to understand. If we thought about it, how many of the words we use do we actually know? Thinking of the meaning of most words and the sentences we put them, what we say is nonsense. This brings up the scene of tennis with questions. Most people aren’t fast enough and able to access their brains to understand what Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are doing; much less saying. They banter between themselves using questions. Think of the language used and the meanings of their words. These two are geniuses when it comes to the thought of knowing. How do we know other people know what we are saying and meaning? We don’t, unless we could read minds. What is language? In conclusion, the ideas of freedom, Plato and his allegory of the cave, and the use of language are three messages from the intellectually demanding movie, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. What makes something good or bad? What if words like: shit, whore, and nigger were good in other countries? Language is the factor in making something good or bad. However, meanings are like brands; they almost stay forever. What did you do in life when you were in charge? No one influenced your decisions and they wouldn’t affect others. What in this world

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell Free Essays

Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell seemed to have the perfect partnership. They achieved huge success due to their individual skills. They created a successful firm called Eisenberg/Pannell/St. We will write a custom essay sample on Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell or any similar topic only for you Order Now George. Sales began to soar; revenues rose 50 % in 2 years, pushing the two million dollars mark; a national magazine praised their work. However beside the scene resentment was building between Arthur Cap. The two partners had never really discussed what each wanted from their business venture. Arthur was dedicated to his work on the other hand Cap was pretty much family centered. Arthur wanted Cap to work all night long. But Arthur refused as he had a baby. Cap and his wife started coming office with their baby Ben. This incident make Arthur furious but he didn’t discuss it with them instead he complained to other employees. The crisis occurred when cap and his wife return from a vacation. Arthur asked them into his office and told them that he would like to discontinue the relationship. Cap left the office in silence and collected his belonging. Cap still bitter, says , â€Å"The business always did well. I don’t even know the real reason we split up. I really can’t forgive him right now in my heart. † For this part, Arthur insists, â€Å" If Cap I were at a party, we would shake hands, and talk about old times†¦.. I think Cap was as unhappy I was. He probably out of the situation, too†¦ I wish I knew what he felt. † The communication barriers that Arthur Eisenberg Cap Pannell faces in this situation are such as difference in perception, differing emotional states, lack of commitment etc. When they were working together the communication barriers that we are talking about wasn’t there but after pending some time they realized that they had different ideas about themselves. They were totally different from each other that’s where the communication problem occurred. Arthur was a work loving person. He always committed to work for the organization. On the other hand, Cap Pannell was more family-centered person who had to give enough time to his family. He wasn’t ready to sacrifice his time with his family members due to excessive work load. Family comes first to him. The two guys have different perception about their work. So clearly there is a communication gap between Arthur Cap.  We also have noticed that they both have different emotion towards their family members as well. Cap possess more emotion towards his family than Arthur. He had wife a baby. So of course he will be more family centered. On the other hand, Arthur was more work oriented person. Difference in this can create communication between the two. Lack of commitment showed by Cap is also responsible for creating communication gap. As Cap refused to work longer hours at night as well as taking frequent business tours, Arthur was very anger towards Cap. He showed his anger not to Cap but other employees of the company. Arthur was so committed to his work while Cap wasn’t. that’s where the communication gap had actually occurred. There were so many differences between the two people that had created a problem resulting communication problem. Even they don’t discuss what they were going to achieve from doing business together, what were they expecting from each other so on so. Unless they discuss this sort of things they were always in trouble that has happened. We have some suggestion about overcoming communication between the two. Perception cannot be changed, but they can set aside their individual perception when they come to work. They should understand each other better if they set themselves in each other’s position. Personal life is important but that should not be mixed with professional life. Personal life is different from professional life we should build ourselves in such a way that has a firm balance between our personal life professional life. As we see from Cap’s perspectives, we should always be committed to our work which Cap wasn’t. Communication barriers will no longer present if we compromise as much as possible when we are working together, meaning we have to sacrifice something in order to achieve something. Arthur Cap should communicate with each other in order to achieve certain objectives which they had try to minimize the difference between them. The best option could be know what they are expecting from each other that will make them understand each other better when they are communicating. They have to avoid those things which create misunderstanding have a different in point of view. How to cite Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Assessment in Special Education Philippines Essay Sample free essay sample

The Status of Assessment of Children with Special Needs in the Philippines I. Assessment Processess Involved in Assessment a. trials b. measurement c. rating II. Assessment of Children with Disabilities in America History of Assessment Purposes of Assessment in Education a. regular instruction b. particular instruction Process of Educational Assessment III. Assessment of Children with Disabilities in the Philippines Policies and Guidelines of Particular Education Process of Educational Assessment Trends and Issues in Assessment The Status of Assessment of Children with Special Needs in the Philippines Assessment is an indispensable procedure in the educational system. particularly in educating kids with disablements. It is a procedure of obtaining information for determinations about pupils. course of study and plans. determinations and on educational the of policies. of Furthermore. ends this involves psychological appraisal of kids with relevancy to doing appropriateness instructional at and aims. delegating direction guidance. This procedure involves the usage of trials. We will write a custom essay sample on Assessment in Special Education: Philippines Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page measuring. and rating. The instruments for the systematic process are called trials. These are used for detecting and depicting one or more characteristic of kids utilizing a numerical graduated table or categorization strategy. Paper-and-pencil trials. teacher-made trials. standardised trials are among the other instruments used. The tonss earned in right answered points provide the instructor the quantitative and nonsubjective information as to how much a pupil has learned. The process for delegating figure or mark to a specified property or features is called measuring. Through this. the order of people in the group being measured is maintained. This measuring provides the value opinion of the student’s mark or public presentation. This procedure of rating serves as the footing for determinations about the class of action to be followed. This gives an nonsubjective image of the position of the kid which could be done through either formative or summational rating. Formative appraising involves a progressive monitoring on the quality of larning a kid is deriving. Whereas summational instruction schemes. appropriate categorization. arrangement chances and counsel and rating is done after a period of clip which determines the quality or worth of stuffs a pupil has gained. Assessment encompasses proving. measuring. and rating ; it is broader than all the procedure. However. measuring. in some instances. may non be utilised due to miss of tools. This may take to subjectiveness. Therefore. it would necessitate a deep cognition of the qualitative and quantitative properties to get at a sound appraisal. Appraisal in particular instruction dated manner back the Medieval Times when people with non-purposive behaviors are considered mentally-ill and were placed in refuge. Maria Montessori. an Italian physician. one time worked with people with this hurt. She clarified that many of the instances in the refuge do non possess medical jobs but pedagogical jobs. Therefore. they will profit from instructional intercession. This was followed by the plants of Itard and Seguine who designed a preparation plan to better ocular. auditory and tactile senses. Their aim was to polish the senses. However. their survey did non travel on but was continued by Samuel Howe and Edward Seguine who so started an establishment for kids with mental deceleration. In 1838. Esquirol wrote a book on mental lack who described the disablement in a varying continuum. He explained further that the usage of linguistic communication is a reliable standard to find the individual’s degree of mind. John Locke illustrated further the difference between an insane an imbecile. The insane negotiations excessively much and uses words incoherently while the imbecile. on the other manus. when he talks has limited linguistic communication. But they came to a realisation that there is a demand for a tool to place the jobs of kids who are non larning at the same rate as their equals. During the late 1800s. Alfred Binnet proposed to French Ministry of Public Instruction that there is a demand for a farther survey of kids who are neglecting in school and must non be dismissed. So. the demand for particu lar direction was identified. He. together with Theodore Simon developed a tool with 30 points with go uping order of trouble during the early 1900s. It has a broad assortment of map with accent on opinion. comprehension. and concluding which are the constituents of intelligence. This was called Simon-Binnet Test. However. there are still bugs on the usage of this tool because most points are verbal and scoring process is non available. The 2nd version of the tool added more points and removed unsatisfactory points. Consequently. trial points are grouped harmonizing to age degree. Scoring was besides established by construing it through mental degree. The 3rd version was done in 1911. There were some minor alteration and repositioning of points harmonizing to degree of trouble. The tool was brought to America and was studied farther in Standford University by Lewis Therman. It was normed and standardized ensuing to its name these yearss as StanfordBinnet Intelligence Test. However between1920-1950. the outstanding trials used to measure kids with disablements are projective trials and personality trials. Unfortunately. it did non derive much celebrity because of its deficiency of objectiveness. After a century. there was an addition in the usage of standardised trial on perceptual experience. This was influenced by Samuel Kirk’s definition of exceeding kids. Intelligence trials during that clip focused on perceptual-motor senses. Normally. these trials are accompanied by plans. However. it has non improved the public presentation of kids with trouble. In the seventiess. Behavioral Model was the tendency. It emphasized on observation processs. In this theoretical account. rating and value opinion became their footing for direction. However. kids with disablements do non come on despite the usage of standardised trials in measuring ; therefore. it must non be the exclusive tool to be used in appraisal. There must be a balance between the usage of formal and informal theoretical accounts. Consequently. appraisal tools must match to the assessment aim. Madeline Will. between the mid-1980 – early 1990s. brought up the thought that kids in the regular schoolroom must non stay hard but must have a particular direction. She underscored that appraisal is a shared duty of the general instruction instructor and the particular instruction instructor. It must get down with pre-referral appraisal and pre-referral intercession. This is the nucleus thought of today’s Regular Education Incentive ( REI ) in America. In the new millenary. functional-behavioural appraisal became the support of REI. Among other intents. this evaluates student’s behavior within environmental context that can lend to an intercession program. A balance between formal and informal appraisal process was observed. Generally. appraisal helps instructors make determinations about the course of study and do educational plans for the kid. But appraisal in particular instruction is more focussed on single pupil. It aims to test and place the earnestness of the job ; identify and find the current degree of academic public presentation and educational demand of the kid in footings of academic country and strengths and failings ; find eligibility in particular plans ; do determinations about arrangement in different plans taking into consideration the least restrictive environment ( LRE ) ; evaluate instruction plan and schemes designed for the kid ; develop an individualised educational program ( IEP ) ; and proctor and papers student’s advancement pertinent to the mark ends. Assessment in America is guided by the rules present in PL 94-142 Education for all Handicapped. Harmonizing to this public jurisprudence. all kids must be given free appropriate public instruction ( FAPE ) or the zero-reject rule ; it stresses the turning away of favoritism in the assessment process used ; an IEP must be carefully planned incorporating of import inside informations ; an educational scene must be l east restrictive for the kid to travel ; each kid deserves fairness and answerability of professionals and parents who makes determinations on his appraisal ; parents would hold to cognize the honest aim of the trial. The procedure of educational appraisal in America follows three phases: pre-referral. referral and IEP development and educational arrangement. Due to Madeline Will’s enterprise. pre-referral phase has been a MUST in the appraisal procedure in America. This procedure is cheap. This is divided into two sub-stages. general showing and job designation. During the first sub-stage. the instructor initiates the informations assemblage on the acquisition jobs the kid brushs which makes the kid significantly different compared to his equals. This entails the usage of short trials ( single or group ) which is loosely focused on all countries of development or on a specific capable country. From the information. the instructor will place the child’s trouble and find what she will turn to. Here comes the pre-referral intercession program of the instructor. Progress must be assessed after a certain period of clip to find whether the chid needs to go on the program with some add-ons or mention the kid to a professional. During the referral phase. a comprehensive appraisal is planned through referral to the particular instruction squad ( SPED squad ) . The squad will measure the intercession program used and will do some alteration to do appraisal more formative. However. if a kid do non come on in this phase. he/she will be so referred to the multidisciplinary/ transdisciplinary squad who will carry on farther survey and fix comprehensive and incorporate assessment study reflecting of import findings. The study will be translated in an IEP. The IEP serves as the model in which the kid will profit. A particular instruction instructor must implement this. Progress monitoring and rating must be done to give feedback to pupils and instructors. This must be carefully evaluated at the terminal of the twelvemonth so that alterations will be made. Truly. the assessment process in America gave an impact to the Philippines’ particular instruction system. In fact. the Filipino fundamental law and Magna Carta for Disabled Person of 1992 guided the preparation of policies and guidelines in particular instruction in the Philippines. Article XIV. Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provinces. â€Å"The province shall advance the right of all citizens to quality instruction at all degrees and shall take appropriate stairss to do such instruction accessible to all. † Magna Carta likewise provides that the State shall guarantee that handicapped individual are provided with equal entree to quality instruction and ample chances to develop their accomplishments ; take appropriate stairss to do such instruction accessible to all handicapped individual ; and take into consideration the particular demands of handicappe d individuals in the preparation of instruction policies and plans. As stated in Article 3: Designation. Screening. Assessment and Evaluation of Children. designation and appraisal of every kid shall be conducted every bit early as possible and shall be conducted by the school and the community using appropriate assessment instruments. The squad shall be composed of individuals with working cognition and apprehension of particular kids such as parents. defenders. neighbors. friends. instructors. counsel counselors. wellness workers. societal workers and others. Aspects to be covered in the designation. showing. appraisal and instruction of kids shall cover the undermentioned facets: physical ( height. weight. physical malformations. gross and all right motor coordination. hearing. ocular sharp-sightedness. unwritten hygiene and dental development ) . psycho-social ( household history. personality. bahavior ) and educational ( larning disablements. linguistic communication and address. medical ) . As mentioned. appropriate instruments shall be develop ed or adopted in order to place disabling status every bit early as possible ; it must be ongoing ; and the synthesis of designation shall be the footing for the appropriate educational arrangement for the kid with particular demands. In a paper presented to the Department of Social Welfare and Development in 2010. it highlighted three ( 3 ) stages of appraisal in the Philippines: feeling the particular demand. appraisal. intercession. In the first stage. the people involved are the parents. household. siblings. health professional. instructors. household physician. the baby doctor and the kid. It takes into consideration the feelings. comparings. studies and ailments. initial appraisal and school public presentation of the kid. In the 2nd stage. the diagnosing of the trouble is given by a medical specializer. Through which. particular demands of the kid are identified. The kid will be so referred to a multidisciplinary squad where they consolidate their diagnosing. The multidisciplinary squad may include developmental paediatrician. occupational healer. speech healer. physical healer. reading specializer. educational healer and music healer. Intervention of the trouble start with the preparation of the Individualized Intervention Program ( IIP ) which is carefully planned by the instructor from the diagnosing under the counsel of instance advisers. country specializers. school decision maker. psychologist and the parents. The 3rd stage is a uninterrupted procedure of implementing. monitoring. and re-formulating IIP until such clip when the kid is able to pull off himself and accomplish the aims formulated. However. the state is still at its procedure in smoothing these ideals to conform with the emerging demands of kids with particular demands. Maria Melisa Rossana C. Sta. Ana. in her article written in 2006 entitled â€Å"Education of Children with Multiple Disabilities in the Philippines. † highlighted that though the school course of study is established. there are still major concerns for the readying of educational plans and support for kids with multiple disablement like the deficiency of available culture-based appraisal tools in measuring pupils with multiple disablements. On another note. she points out that many Filipino parents of kids with disablement can non see the importance of directing their kid to school due to poorness and negative stereotypes. This gave visible radiation to a figure of kids with disablements in the Philippines who do non have proper instruction support that they need. On another visible radiation. there are private schools and foundations providing to kids with particular demands. One of which is Cupertino Center for Particular Education. Their attack to appraisal is done through a clinical squad attack. particular instruction instructors. business and address healers and psychologists. Another school which accepts kids with particular demands is O. B. Montessori Center Inc. ( OBMCI ) . Children with particular demands are admitted to OBMCI thru its counsel plan where kids are identified consequently ( Sta. Ana. 2010 ) . The school gives importance on the professional diagnostic appraisal which was made prior to registration of appraisal to place the child’s centripetal potency. place the single demands and development of the single educational plan. This will assist find the child’s strength and restriction which will finally act upon his/her educational plan. Filipino parents have really small pick with respect to the instruction of their particular kids in the Philippines. particularly households in the fringy sector. However. through proper execution of policies and enterprises in the field of particular instruction. the particular instruction system in the state will come on and each kid with disablement will have appropriate instruction. Mentions: Sta. Ana. M. ( 2010 ) . Education of kids with multiple disablements in thePhilippines. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //staana. blogspot. com/multipledisabilities Inciong. T. ( 2005 ) . The development of public assistance and instruction for kids with mental deceleration towards inclusion: The Filipino experience. Paper Presentation. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from World Wide Web. deped. gov. ph/regioniva/paper/inciongt Learn more about particular instruction. ( 2010 ) . PowerPoint Presentation. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from World Wide Web. slideshare. net/sped/learmoreaboutspedsept19-100920211910phpqapp1 Madrid. M. ( 2012 ) . A PowerPoint Presentation: Policies and guidelines of particular instruction in the Philippines. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from World Wide Web. slideshare. net/m_apostol_madrid_s/policies-120427023552phpapp1