Monday, December 30, 2019

Usage of the French Expression Tout à Coup

The  French expression  tout à   coup  (pronounced  too ta koo) means all of a sudden. It literally translates to all at (a) blow. Its  register  is normal. ​​Tout à   coup is a very common French expression which indicates that something happened abruptly and unexpectedly. Examples Sans dire un mot, elle a tout à   coup pris son sac et est partie.Without a word, she suddenly picked up her bag and left.Tout à   coup, jai perdu lappà ©tit.All of a sudden, I lost my appetite. Tout à   coup is often used interchangeably—though technically incorrectly—with the French expression tout dun coup.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Three Major Themes and Ideas fromRosencrantz and...

Think of everything in life, what do you know for certain? Would it be hard to believe everyone is not there; everything is a lie. Think back to the Platonic allegory of the cave; maybe what was real is only an opinion and all that is seen is shadows on the wall. Who are you? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern play with the theory of caves and what is real. Are people truly in charge of their lives? Or is every decision established based around others and forced. There comes the debate and thought of freedom; are you free? Free from sadness, anger, evil, terrible weather; what is free? There are three messages from the intellectually challenging movie, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead; the idea of freedom, Platonic allegory of the cave, and†¦show more content†¦Does that make us walking dead bodies too? Everyone is going to die; we are just waiting for that moment when it happens. Third, words are all people have to go on; however, it also keeps people from always being able to understand. If we thought about it, how many of the words we use do we actually know? Thinking of the meaning of most words and the sentences we put them, what we say is nonsense. This brings up the scene of tennis with questions. Most people aren’t fast enough and able to access their brains to understand what Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are doing; much less saying. They banter between themselves using questions. Think of the language used and the meanings of their words. These two are geniuses when it comes to the thought of knowing. How do we know other people know what we are saying and meaning? We don’t, unless we could read minds. What is language? In conclusion, the ideas of freedom, Plato and his allegory of the cave, and the use of language are three messages from the intellectually demanding movie, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. What makes something good or bad? What if words like: shit, whore, and nigger were good in other countries? Language is the factor in making something good or bad. However, meanings are like brands; they almost stay forever. What did you do in life when you were in charge? No one influenced your decisions and they wouldn’t affect others. What in this world

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell Free Essays

Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell seemed to have the perfect partnership. They achieved huge success due to their individual skills. They created a successful firm called Eisenberg/Pannell/St. We will write a custom essay sample on Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell or any similar topic only for you Order Now George. Sales began to soar; revenues rose 50 % in 2 years, pushing the two million dollars mark; a national magazine praised their work. However beside the scene resentment was building between Arthur Cap. The two partners had never really discussed what each wanted from their business venture. Arthur was dedicated to his work on the other hand Cap was pretty much family centered. Arthur wanted Cap to work all night long. But Arthur refused as he had a baby. Cap and his wife started coming office with their baby Ben. This incident make Arthur furious but he didn’t discuss it with them instead he complained to other employees. The crisis occurred when cap and his wife return from a vacation. Arthur asked them into his office and told them that he would like to discontinue the relationship. Cap left the office in silence and collected his belonging. Cap still bitter, says , â€Å"The business always did well. I don’t even know the real reason we split up. I really can’t forgive him right now in my heart. † For this part, Arthur insists, â€Å" If Cap I were at a party, we would shake hands, and talk about old times†¦.. I think Cap was as unhappy I was. He probably out of the situation, too†¦ I wish I knew what he felt. † The communication barriers that Arthur Eisenberg Cap Pannell faces in this situation are such as difference in perception, differing emotional states, lack of commitment etc. When they were working together the communication barriers that we are talking about wasn’t there but after pending some time they realized that they had different ideas about themselves. They were totally different from each other that’s where the communication problem occurred. Arthur was a work loving person. He always committed to work for the organization. On the other hand, Cap Pannell was more family-centered person who had to give enough time to his family. He wasn’t ready to sacrifice his time with his family members due to excessive work load. Family comes first to him. The two guys have different perception about their work. So clearly there is a communication gap between Arthur Cap.  We also have noticed that they both have different emotion towards their family members as well. Cap possess more emotion towards his family than Arthur. He had wife a baby. So of course he will be more family centered. On the other hand, Arthur was more work oriented person. Difference in this can create communication between the two. Lack of commitment showed by Cap is also responsible for creating communication gap. As Cap refused to work longer hours at night as well as taking frequent business tours, Arthur was very anger towards Cap. He showed his anger not to Cap but other employees of the company. Arthur was so committed to his work while Cap wasn’t. that’s where the communication gap had actually occurred. There were so many differences between the two people that had created a problem resulting communication problem. Even they don’t discuss what they were going to achieve from doing business together, what were they expecting from each other so on so. Unless they discuss this sort of things they were always in trouble that has happened. We have some suggestion about overcoming communication between the two. Perception cannot be changed, but they can set aside their individual perception when they come to work. They should understand each other better if they set themselves in each other’s position. Personal life is important but that should not be mixed with professional life. Personal life is different from professional life we should build ourselves in such a way that has a firm balance between our personal life professional life. As we see from Cap’s perspectives, we should always be committed to our work which Cap wasn’t. Communication barriers will no longer present if we compromise as much as possible when we are working together, meaning we have to sacrifice something in order to achieve something. Arthur Cap should communicate with each other in order to achieve certain objectives which they had try to minimize the difference between them. The best option could be know what they are expecting from each other that will make them understand each other better when they are communicating. They have to avoid those things which create misunderstanding have a different in point of view. How to cite Arthur Eisenberg and Cap Pannell, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Assessment in Special Education Philippines Essay Sample free essay sample

The Status of Assessment of Children with Special Needs in the Philippines I. Assessment Processess Involved in Assessment a. trials b. measurement c. rating II. Assessment of Children with Disabilities in America History of Assessment Purposes of Assessment in Education a. regular instruction b. particular instruction Process of Educational Assessment III. Assessment of Children with Disabilities in the Philippines Policies and Guidelines of Particular Education Process of Educational Assessment Trends and Issues in Assessment The Status of Assessment of Children with Special Needs in the Philippines Assessment is an indispensable procedure in the educational system. particularly in educating kids with disablements. It is a procedure of obtaining information for determinations about pupils. course of study and plans. determinations and on educational the of policies. of Furthermore. ends this involves psychological appraisal of kids with relevancy to doing appropriateness instructional at and aims. delegating direction guidance. This procedure involves the usage of trials. We will write a custom essay sample on Assessment in Special Education: Philippines Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page measuring. and rating. The instruments for the systematic process are called trials. These are used for detecting and depicting one or more characteristic of kids utilizing a numerical graduated table or categorization strategy. Paper-and-pencil trials. teacher-made trials. standardised trials are among the other instruments used. The tonss earned in right answered points provide the instructor the quantitative and nonsubjective information as to how much a pupil has learned. The process for delegating figure or mark to a specified property or features is called measuring. Through this. the order of people in the group being measured is maintained. This measuring provides the value opinion of the student’s mark or public presentation. This procedure of rating serves as the footing for determinations about the class of action to be followed. This gives an nonsubjective image of the position of the kid which could be done through either formative or summational rating. Formative appraising involves a progressive monitoring on the quality of larning a kid is deriving. Whereas summational instruction schemes. appropriate categorization. arrangement chances and counsel and rating is done after a period of clip which determines the quality or worth of stuffs a pupil has gained. Assessment encompasses proving. measuring. and rating ; it is broader than all the procedure. However. measuring. in some instances. may non be utilised due to miss of tools. This may take to subjectiveness. Therefore. it would necessitate a deep cognition of the qualitative and quantitative properties to get at a sound appraisal. Appraisal in particular instruction dated manner back the Medieval Times when people with non-purposive behaviors are considered mentally-ill and were placed in refuge. Maria Montessori. an Italian physician. one time worked with people with this hurt. She clarified that many of the instances in the refuge do non possess medical jobs but pedagogical jobs. Therefore. they will profit from instructional intercession. This was followed by the plants of Itard and Seguine who designed a preparation plan to better ocular. auditory and tactile senses. Their aim was to polish the senses. However. their survey did non travel on but was continued by Samuel Howe and Edward Seguine who so started an establishment for kids with mental deceleration. In 1838. Esquirol wrote a book on mental lack who described the disablement in a varying continuum. He explained further that the usage of linguistic communication is a reliable standard to find the individual’s degree of mind. John Locke illustrated further the difference between an insane an imbecile. The insane negotiations excessively much and uses words incoherently while the imbecile. on the other manus. when he talks has limited linguistic communication. But they came to a realisation that there is a demand for a tool to place the jobs of kids who are non larning at the same rate as their equals. During the late 1800s. Alfred Binnet proposed to French Ministry of Public Instruction that there is a demand for a farther survey of kids who are neglecting in school and must non be dismissed. So. the demand for particu lar direction was identified. He. together with Theodore Simon developed a tool with 30 points with go uping order of trouble during the early 1900s. It has a broad assortment of map with accent on opinion. comprehension. and concluding which are the constituents of intelligence. This was called Simon-Binnet Test. However. there are still bugs on the usage of this tool because most points are verbal and scoring process is non available. The 2nd version of the tool added more points and removed unsatisfactory points. Consequently. trial points are grouped harmonizing to age degree. Scoring was besides established by construing it through mental degree. The 3rd version was done in 1911. There were some minor alteration and repositioning of points harmonizing to degree of trouble. The tool was brought to America and was studied farther in Standford University by Lewis Therman. It was normed and standardized ensuing to its name these yearss as StanfordBinnet Intelligence Test. However between1920-1950. the outstanding trials used to measure kids with disablements are projective trials and personality trials. Unfortunately. it did non derive much celebrity because of its deficiency of objectiveness. After a century. there was an addition in the usage of standardised trial on perceptual experience. This was influenced by Samuel Kirk’s definition of exceeding kids. Intelligence trials during that clip focused on perceptual-motor senses. Normally. these trials are accompanied by plans. However. it has non improved the public presentation of kids with trouble. In the seventiess. Behavioral Model was the tendency. It emphasized on observation processs. In this theoretical account. rating and value opinion became their footing for direction. However. kids with disablements do non come on despite the usage of standardised trials in measuring ; therefore. it must non be the exclusive tool to be used in appraisal. There must be a balance between the usage of formal and informal theoretical accounts. Consequently. appraisal tools must match to the assessment aim. Madeline Will. between the mid-1980 – early 1990s. brought up the thought that kids in the regular schoolroom must non stay hard but must have a particular direction. She underscored that appraisal is a shared duty of the general instruction instructor and the particular instruction instructor. It must get down with pre-referral appraisal and pre-referral intercession. This is the nucleus thought of today’s Regular Education Incentive ( REI ) in America. In the new millenary. functional-behavioural appraisal became the support of REI. Among other intents. this evaluates student’s behavior within environmental context that can lend to an intercession program. A balance between formal and informal appraisal process was observed. Generally. appraisal helps instructors make determinations about the course of study and do educational plans for the kid. But appraisal in particular instruction is more focussed on single pupil. It aims to test and place the earnestness of the job ; identify and find the current degree of academic public presentation and educational demand of the kid in footings of academic country and strengths and failings ; find eligibility in particular plans ; do determinations about arrangement in different plans taking into consideration the least restrictive environment ( LRE ) ; evaluate instruction plan and schemes designed for the kid ; develop an individualised educational program ( IEP ) ; and proctor and papers student’s advancement pertinent to the mark ends. Assessment in America is guided by the rules present in PL 94-142 Education for all Handicapped. Harmonizing to this public jurisprudence. all kids must be given free appropriate public instruction ( FAPE ) or the zero-reject rule ; it stresses the turning away of favoritism in the assessment process used ; an IEP must be carefully planned incorporating of import inside informations ; an educational scene must be l east restrictive for the kid to travel ; each kid deserves fairness and answerability of professionals and parents who makes determinations on his appraisal ; parents would hold to cognize the honest aim of the trial. The procedure of educational appraisal in America follows three phases: pre-referral. referral and IEP development and educational arrangement. Due to Madeline Will’s enterprise. pre-referral phase has been a MUST in the appraisal procedure in America. This procedure is cheap. This is divided into two sub-stages. general showing and job designation. During the first sub-stage. the instructor initiates the informations assemblage on the acquisition jobs the kid brushs which makes the kid significantly different compared to his equals. This entails the usage of short trials ( single or group ) which is loosely focused on all countries of development or on a specific capable country. From the information. the instructor will place the child’s trouble and find what she will turn to. Here comes the pre-referral intercession program of the instructor. Progress must be assessed after a certain period of clip to find whether the chid needs to go on the program with some add-ons or mention the kid to a professional. During the referral phase. a comprehensive appraisal is planned through referral to the particular instruction squad ( SPED squad ) . The squad will measure the intercession program used and will do some alteration to do appraisal more formative. However. if a kid do non come on in this phase. he/she will be so referred to the multidisciplinary/ transdisciplinary squad who will carry on farther survey and fix comprehensive and incorporate assessment study reflecting of import findings. The study will be translated in an IEP. The IEP serves as the model in which the kid will profit. A particular instruction instructor must implement this. Progress monitoring and rating must be done to give feedback to pupils and instructors. This must be carefully evaluated at the terminal of the twelvemonth so that alterations will be made. Truly. the assessment process in America gave an impact to the Philippines’ particular instruction system. In fact. the Filipino fundamental law and Magna Carta for Disabled Person of 1992 guided the preparation of policies and guidelines in particular instruction in the Philippines. Article XIV. Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution provinces. â€Å"The province shall advance the right of all citizens to quality instruction at all degrees and shall take appropriate stairss to do such instruction accessible to all. † Magna Carta likewise provides that the State shall guarantee that handicapped individual are provided with equal entree to quality instruction and ample chances to develop their accomplishments ; take appropriate stairss to do such instruction accessible to all handicapped individual ; and take into consideration the particular demands of handicappe d individuals in the preparation of instruction policies and plans. As stated in Article 3: Designation. Screening. Assessment and Evaluation of Children. designation and appraisal of every kid shall be conducted every bit early as possible and shall be conducted by the school and the community using appropriate assessment instruments. The squad shall be composed of individuals with working cognition and apprehension of particular kids such as parents. defenders. neighbors. friends. instructors. counsel counselors. wellness workers. societal workers and others. Aspects to be covered in the designation. showing. appraisal and instruction of kids shall cover the undermentioned facets: physical ( height. weight. physical malformations. gross and all right motor coordination. hearing. ocular sharp-sightedness. unwritten hygiene and dental development ) . psycho-social ( household history. personality. bahavior ) and educational ( larning disablements. linguistic communication and address. medical ) . As mentioned. appropriate instruments shall be develop ed or adopted in order to place disabling status every bit early as possible ; it must be ongoing ; and the synthesis of designation shall be the footing for the appropriate educational arrangement for the kid with particular demands. In a paper presented to the Department of Social Welfare and Development in 2010. it highlighted three ( 3 ) stages of appraisal in the Philippines: feeling the particular demand. appraisal. intercession. In the first stage. the people involved are the parents. household. siblings. health professional. instructors. household physician. the baby doctor and the kid. It takes into consideration the feelings. comparings. studies and ailments. initial appraisal and school public presentation of the kid. In the 2nd stage. the diagnosing of the trouble is given by a medical specializer. Through which. particular demands of the kid are identified. The kid will be so referred to a multidisciplinary squad where they consolidate their diagnosing. The multidisciplinary squad may include developmental paediatrician. occupational healer. speech healer. physical healer. reading specializer. educational healer and music healer. Intervention of the trouble start with the preparation of the Individualized Intervention Program ( IIP ) which is carefully planned by the instructor from the diagnosing under the counsel of instance advisers. country specializers. school decision maker. psychologist and the parents. The 3rd stage is a uninterrupted procedure of implementing. monitoring. and re-formulating IIP until such clip when the kid is able to pull off himself and accomplish the aims formulated. However. the state is still at its procedure in smoothing these ideals to conform with the emerging demands of kids with particular demands. Maria Melisa Rossana C. Sta. Ana. in her article written in 2006 entitled â€Å"Education of Children with Multiple Disabilities in the Philippines. † highlighted that though the school course of study is established. there are still major concerns for the readying of educational plans and support for kids with multiple disablement like the deficiency of available culture-based appraisal tools in measuring pupils with multiple disablements. On another note. she points out that many Filipino parents of kids with disablement can non see the importance of directing their kid to school due to poorness and negative stereotypes. This gave visible radiation to a figure of kids with disablements in the Philippines who do non have proper instruction support that they need. On another visible radiation. there are private schools and foundations providing to kids with particular demands. One of which is Cupertino Center for Particular Education. Their attack to appraisal is done through a clinical squad attack. particular instruction instructors. business and address healers and psychologists. Another school which accepts kids with particular demands is O. B. Montessori Center Inc. ( OBMCI ) . Children with particular demands are admitted to OBMCI thru its counsel plan where kids are identified consequently ( Sta. Ana. 2010 ) . The school gives importance on the professional diagnostic appraisal which was made prior to registration of appraisal to place the child’s centripetal potency. place the single demands and development of the single educational plan. This will assist find the child’s strength and restriction which will finally act upon his/her educational plan. Filipino parents have really small pick with respect to the instruction of their particular kids in the Philippines. particularly households in the fringy sector. However. through proper execution of policies and enterprises in the field of particular instruction. the particular instruction system in the state will come on and each kid with disablement will have appropriate instruction. Mentions: Sta. Ana. M. ( 2010 ) . Education of kids with multiple disablements in thePhilippines. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from hypertext transfer protocol: //staana. blogspot. com/multipledisabilities Inciong. T. ( 2005 ) . The development of public assistance and instruction for kids with mental deceleration towards inclusion: The Filipino experience. Paper Presentation. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from World Wide Web. deped. gov. ph/regioniva/paper/inciongt Learn more about particular instruction. ( 2010 ) . PowerPoint Presentation. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from World Wide Web. slideshare. net/sped/learmoreaboutspedsept19-100920211910phpqapp1 Madrid. M. ( 2012 ) . A PowerPoint Presentation: Policies and guidelines of particular instruction in the Philippines. Retrieved February 8. 2013 from World Wide Web. slideshare. net/m_apostol_madrid_s/policies-120427023552phpapp1

Friday, November 29, 2019

EA Sports’ Keys to Success Essay Example

EA Sports’ Keys to Success Essay Electronic Humanistic disciplines or EA Sports is considered to be one of the taking companies every bit far as the gambling industry is concerned. With its wide scope of company support from among its different constitutions across the Earth. EA Sports continues with its thrust to take the battalion of the companies in both offline and on-line bet oning systems. Apparently. the assorted methods employed by EA Sports in footings of artworks design. selling. production and client directions are merely some of the important and every bit important factors which have mostly contributed to the company’s success over the past few old ages. It can be noted that the company has underwent major developments through the old ages. particularly since the cyberspace is continuously germinating. As the line of merchandises and services being offered by the company began to spread out dramatically. the demand for betterments in order to remain afloat the competition in the competitory universe of bet oning rose proportionately. As a affair of fact. EA Sports is continuously developing more and more game merchandises which comparatively match the developments in the hardware used for the package games. On the other manus. the company has besides developed the graphical content of its package games in about the full class of the being of the company manner back in 1982. This can be attributed to the fact that the demand for games which meet the demands of of all time increasing bet oning public-service corporations have besides increased. It can besides be attributed to the changeless inflow of thoughts spurred by the company’s game developers which. by all agencies. guides the way of the company in the context of the available engineering. We will write a custom essay sample on EA Sports’ Keys to Success specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on EA Sports’ Keys to Success specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on EA Sports’ Keys to Success specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer With these general things in head. it is every bit of import to look into the inside informations as to why EA Sports is a great company amidst the stiff competition in the gambling industry. Equal chances One of the grounds why EA Sports has become one of the world’s taking synergistic amusement package company is the fact that it aims at supplying an equal playing field for prospective employees. By giving draw a bead oning appliers the equal chance to portion and lend their endowment to the company. EA Sports has gained a broad scope of blessing from labour critics and brotherhoods. therefore giving the company an added advantage in furthering a healthy environment for the company. Peter Western states that people profess to believe in equal opportunity and that it necessarily amounts to stating that there is a certain cloth of penchant for a system which gives equal chance than those without ( Western. p. 837 ) . Equally far as EA Sports is concerned. there are indexs to deduce that the company has provided equal chances for people. In peculiar. the company has non discriminated employees and appliers in footings of gender and race to call a few. On the contrary. the company has strongly encouraged the sense of diverseness among its ranks and files. which is further elaborated in the company’s codifications of behavior. More significantly. the company has been able to keep a steadfast appreciation on the rule of doling out equal chances to assorted persons by set uping several subdivisions across the universe. EA Sports does non merely hold a broad array of subdivisions in America. It has besides working subdivisions in Asia and Europe which proves the point that the company does non merely purpose at a planetary laterality in the industry but besides aim a wider audience both for employees and clients. With a broader base support for prospective employees across boundaries from gender and race to nationality. the company has surpassed the undertaking of keeping a healthy blend of work force. Wider client range A. Leslie notes that complex interconnectednesss among topographic points and between the planetary and the local have ever existed ( Leslie. p. 404 ) . This gives the thought that companies taking at a successful planetary selling run should larn to cover with these complex interconnectednesss. One of the ways in accomplishing this terminal is to procure a broad client range. Given the fact that EA Sports has company divisions in the United States. Asia and in Europe to call a few. it can barely be doubted that the company has a broad client range. In fact. the company besides offers the clients the option to download some of its games online. This enables the client to straight buy games without even go forthing the amenitiess of their ain place. which goes without stating that a client from Asia can immediately buy games from the web site of the company that is based in the United States. Since EA Sports besides operates online. the company besides has a client-support system which greatly enhances the efficiency of communicating between the client and the company. With this strategy. the demands and questions of the clients are expeditiously addressed in the earliest clip possible which drastically reduces the clip spent on waiting for mail-clad responses from other companies. Further. EA Sports besides has an on-line forum for its games provided for its registered members. Since enrollment is free of charge and is done online. entree to the forum is comparatively easy. In kernel. the on-line forum provided by the company stimulates interpersonal communicating from among the members themselves inasmuch as it besides gives the company the capableness to supervise the recent treatments among its clients. It besides gives the company administrators to straight pass on and prosecute in a healthy treatment with the forum members. therefore giving manner to a refined system of updating the company’s public presentation in conformity to the demands and desires of the clients. The company’s web site besides features a list of updates with respect to its game characteristics and approaching events. This characteristic gives its browse clients the ability to maintain posted about the recent updates to the games they have purchased every bit good as the approaching events near their vicinity which may be of involvement to them. More significantly. this characteristic gives the company the upper manus in keeping a healthy figure of clients who invariably search for the recent gambling package available. further augmenting the figure of clients to the company. Ability to accommodate. follow and germinate It has been observed that a company’s ability to accommodate. follow and germinate is important to the endurance of any company. particularly when the company has direct connexions to the information and communications engineering sector ( Hans. Johanson and Seyed-Mohamed. p. 30 ) . EA Sports besides has the ability to accommodate to the current tendencies in the market with regard to engineering and follow the popular athleticss and leisure activities of the people. The latter is discernible in the manner in which the company has been able to integrate the several popular athleticss such as hoops and football into its bet oning market. For case. the company has been able to spread out its gambling lists by geting the rights to do games out of the NBA. FIFA. NFL and NCAA. As these games become more and more popular to both old and younger coevalss likewise. the demand for the package versions of these games has besides increased. Furthermore. EA Sports has been able to prolong its rights in doing package versions of these games. Since the construct of the first package version game of NBA. the company has continued to further better the graphical inside informations of the game. In comparing. NBA Live 2008 has more advanced graphical characteristics than its predecessors. The patterned advance of the game versions created by EA Sports has besides prompted a development in the characteristics available in these games. As Robinson and Chiang observes. forces alone to an single concern can give a intercrossed strategy for many grounds ( Robinson and Chiang. p. 856 ) . The same can be observed with EA Sports which. in its attempts to consolidate a big amount of its plan developments for the series of NBA Live for illustration. has resorted to legion alterations of its games. From the graphical interface experience of the user to the manner in which the user controls the game. EA Sports has routinely developed its series of popular games in order to increase the characteristics of the games and run into the steady flow of consumer outlooks. Further. the company is besides able to hammer other elements into the merchandises that it markets to the populace. One of these external elements is music. or the capableness of the company to integrate popular and several other lifting music both from established and recent sets. For case. EA Sports has late used the music of the set The Bravery in farther advancing the company’s latest release of its Madden NFL 2008 game. By making this strategy. the company has been able to non merely widen the range of the game to music partisans but besides increase the entreaty of the game itself. Merchandise enlargement EA Sports besides features a list of its expanded game characteristics which includes but is non limited to merchandises from jerseies to jackets. memorabilia points from playing cards to extremely individualized ware. and downloadable vocals. Putsis and Bayus point out that product line direction is an of import tool of competitory scheme used by houses in diverse strategies ( Putsis and Bayus. p. 110 ) . Therefore. merchandise line direction through the enlargement of the merchandises and services offered by the company is taken to be one manner for the company to strategically obtain an advantage over its rivals. Although the enlargement of merchandises by EA Sports translates to an addition in the operation disbursals of the company which are external to the basic proviso of resources to its chief merchandises. the success of the company in the competitory gambling industry can besides be shared with by merchandise enlargement. Decision EA Sports has been successful in taking the battalion of competitory companies in the gambling industry through its attempts in advancing its lines of merchandises and services. The uninterrupted development of the industry has prompted the company to farther polish its internal and external attempts to remain afloat the competition. Mentions Ea Sports Homepage . 2008. EA Sports. February 25 2008. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //easports. com gt ; . Hallen. Lars. Jan Johanson. and Nazeem Seyed-Mohamed. Interfirm Adaptation in Business Relationships. Journal of Marketing55. 2 ( 1991 ) : 30. Leslie. D. A. Global Scan: The Globalization of Advertising Agencies. Concepts. and Campaigns. Economic Geography71. 4 ( 1995 ) : 404. Putsis. William P. . and Barry L. Bayus. An Empirical Analysis of Firms’ Product Line Decisions. Journal of Marketing Research38. 1 ( 2001 ) : 110. Robinson. William T. . and Jeongwen Chiang. Product Development Strategies for Established Market Pioneers. Early Followers. and Late Entrants. Strategic Management Journal23. 9 ( 2002 ) : 856. Westen. Peter. The Concept of Equal Opportunity. Ethical motives95. 4 ( 1985 ) : 837.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Wendell Phillips Biography

Wendell Phillips Biography Wendell Phillips was a Harvard educated lawyer and wealthy Bostonian who joined the abolitionist movement and became one of its most prominent advocates. Revered for his eloquence, Phillips spoke widely on the Lyceum circuit, and spread the abolitionist message in many communities during the 1840s and 1850s. Throughout the Civil War Phillips was often critical of the Lincoln administration, which he believed was moving too cautiously in ending slavery. In 1864, disappointed by Lincolns conciliatory and lenient plans for Reconstruction, Phillips campaigned against the Republican Party, which was nominating Lincoln to run for a second term. Following the Civil War, Phillips advocated for the program of Reconstruction championed by Radical Republicans such as Thaddeus Stevens. Phillips split with another leading abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison, who believed the Anti-Slavery Society should be shut down at the end of the Civil War. Phillips believed that the 13th Amendment would not ensure true civil rights for African Americans, and he continued to crusade for full equality for blacks until the end of his life. Early Life of Wendell Phillips Wendell Phillips was born in Boston, Massachusetts, on November 29, 1811. His father had been a judge and the mayor of Boston. His familys roots in Massachusetts went back to the landing of Puritan minister George Phillips, who arrived aboard the Arbella with Gov. John Winthrop in 1630. Phillips received the education befitting a Boston patrician, and after graduation from Harvard he attended Harvards newly opened law school. Known for his intellectual skills and ease with public speaking, not to mention his familys wealth, he seemed destined for an impressive legal career. And it was generally supposed that Phillips would have a promising future in mainstream politics. In 1837, the 26-year-old Phillips took a profound career detour that began when he rose to speak at a meeting of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. He gave a brief address advocating for the abolition of slavery, at a time when the abolitionist cause was well outside the mainstream of American life. An influence on Phillips was the woman he was courting, Ann Terry Greene, whom he married in October 1837. She was the daughter of a wealthy Boston merchant, and she had already become involved with the New England abolitionists. The move away from mainstream law and politics became Phillips life calling. By the end of 1837 the newly married lawyer was essentially a professional abolitionist. His wife, who was chronically ill and lived as an invalid, remained a strong influence on his writings and public speeches. Phillips Rose to Prominence as an Abolitionist Leader In the 1840s Phillips became one of the most popular speakers of the American Lyceum Movement. He traveled giving lectures, which were not always on abolitionist subjects. Known for his scholarly pursuits, he also spoke about artistic and cultural subjects. He was also in demand to speak about pressing political topics. Phillips was often mentioned in newspaper reports, and his speeches were famous both for their eloquence and sarcastic wit. He was known to hurl insults at the supporters of slavery, and even castigated those whom he felt were not sufficiently opposed to it. Phillips rhetoric was often extreme, but he was following a deliberate strategy. He wanted to inflame the northern populace to stand up against the slave power of the South. When Phillips began his campaign of deliberate agitation, the anti-slavery movement was, to some extent stalled. It was too dangerous to send advocates against slavery into the South. And a pamphlet campaign, during which abolitionist pamphlets were mailed to southern cities, had been met with fierce opposition the early 1830s. In the House of Representatives, discussion of slavery was effectively silenced for years by what became notorious as the gag rule. Joining his colleague William Lloyd Garrison in the belief that the United States Constitution, by institutionalizing slavery, was an agreement with hell, Phillips withdrew from the practice of law. However, he used his legal training and skills to encourage abolitionist activity. Phillips, Lincoln, and the Civil War As the election of 1860 approached, Phillips opposed the nomination and election of Abraham Lincoln, as he did not consider him forceful enough in his opposition to slavery. However, once Lincoln was in office as president, Phillips tended to support him. When the Emancipation Proclamation was instituted at the beginning of 1863 Phillips supported it, even though he felt it should have gone further in liberating all the slaves in America. As the Civil War ended, some believed that the work of the abolitionists had been successfully finished. William Lloyd Garrison, the longtime colleague of Phillips, believed it was time to shut down the American Anti-Slavery Society. Phillips was thankful for the advances made with the passage of the 13th Amendment, which permanently prohibited slavery in America. Yet he instinctively felt that the battle was not truly over. He turned his attention to advocating for the rights of the freedmen, and for a program of Reconstruction that would respect the interests of former slaves. Post-Slavery Career of Phillips With the Constitution amended so that it no longer countenanced slavery, Phillips felt free to enter mainstream politics. He ran for governor of Massachusetts in 1870, but was not elected. Along with his work on behalf of the freedmen, Phillips became intensely interested in the emerging labor movement. He became an advocate for the eight-hour day, and by the end of his life he was known as a labor radical. He died in Boston on February 2, 1884. His death was reported in newspapers across America. The New York Times, in a front-page obituary the following day, called him A Representative Man of the Century. A Washington, D.C., newspaper, also featured a page one obituary of Phillips on February 4, 1884. One of the headlines read The Little Band of Original Abolitionists Loses Its Most Heroic Figure.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflective report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Reflective report - Essay Example Lighting system creates important mood within each scene. For example, a green and somber soft light is used to present not dangerous and fearful scenes, but melancholic and depressing. Time slot may affect quality of the show since it leaves audience in much suspense. Since the film is a story on one of the great countries of the world, it will attract and appeal to a wide demographic of consumers from all walks of life, the young and the old alike. Genre as used in the films assists in limiting the scope of the film for the audience, writer and director of the programs. As used in tagline, each genre has unique elements capable of making distinctive from others such as story line, setting, characterization, style, star actors, and creative devices like action sequences. Such cases present elements of genre that requires repetitive presentations for familiarization to be established. There is an element of creating certain dispositions within audience minds whenever they view it. The program concept is extraordinary, which is one of the main things that create some sense of uniqueness (Wright, 2002). The program acts as one of the most desired examples, since the program content represents actual masterpiece sorted after by viewers. The program reveals some level of relevance based on general life hence keeps the audience entertained through various humorous instances. Several scenes used in the program utilize great set of aesthetics connecting perfectly with appropriate mood and feeling. Various technologies should be considered in such scenarios where director should be familiar with programs and scripts presented. Emphasis should be on nature of casting utilized. There is also issue on editing which should be of high quality as well. Issue on video transitions requires attention to ensure complete flow across the scenes. Few programs are known to be capable

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Religion - Mysticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Religion - Mysticism - Essay Example Understanding the relationship between human and their faiths is a vital aspect of understanding mysticism since it help understand the individual and the faith among other vital features of mysticism. Such an elusive introduction presents the relativity aspect of mysticism, which further presents scholars with more challenges. Spiritual beliefs vary in people. Christians believe in the existence of God alongside the numerous different doctrines of their churches, Muslims have similar structures and so are pagans among many other faiths throughout the world. Each of the numerous beliefs has a distinctive definition and application of mysticism in their attempt to develop a relationship with their faiths. The relativity of faiths introduces a concept of relativity in the study of mysticism as well. This complicates and may curtail the study of mysticism in most cases. In order to understand mysticism in a faith, a scholar must become conversant with the faith and understand the relationship an individual develops with their supernatural beings. The need to understand the traditional practices of individuals in order to understand the relative concept of mysticism makes the study more hectic to scholars. Traditions are cultural aspects of human life that helps explains the beliefs of an individual. Culture refers to non-genetic features of an individual most of which the individuals obtain from the society. Belief in a supernatural being is a vital aspect of culture that helps understand the mysticism. Different societies have their respective types of transformation and beliefs. Most traditional societies believed in the role of ancestral spirits in the transformational process. Such societies believed that the ancestors were intermediaries between them and the supernatural beings. The introduction of Christianity and Islam among other contemporary faiths

Monday, November 18, 2019

Pedagogical Strategy Using the Harry Potter Books Research Paper

Pedagogical Strategy Using the Harry Potter Books - Research Paper Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that making the curriculum conducive for inculcating the interest in the students of elementary age has always come as a big challenge to the educationalists. â€Å"Culturally responsive teaching implies using cooperative learning methods and strategies to discover the student's worlds and incorporate them into the world of the classroom†. The interest a child takes in his/her studies in the elementary age plays a decisive role in his/her current and future academic performance, and his/her professional career in the long run. On the other hand, children are least sincere about their studies in the elementary school because they are too little, or perhaps more rightly, too immature to conceive the importance of education in their life. In order to generate a competent workforce to serve in the market and industry in the future, measures need to be taken today, to raise children’s interest in their studies wh en they are in the very early years of their academic career. One way to achieve this is by making the elementary education compliant with the standards, norms, and culture of Hogwarts School as portrayed in the Harry Potter series. â€Å"When inculcated in the fundamental educational system, educational and other standards of Hogwarts School will raise children’s interest in all of their subjects and school in general, and English literature in particular.† Children studying in one educational level like 1st grade or 2nd grade are distributed between sections of the same class as per the seniority of registration or any other criteria. Unfortunately, the conventional sorting processes are unwatchful of a child’s association with his/her friends of his/her own age, and the friends get distributed in separate sections. This happens to be one of the reasons why children lose interest in studies.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Brewery industry in Europe Roay Unibrew Analysis

Brewery industry in Europe Roay Unibrew Analysis CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION Overview This paper consists of seven chapters: Chapter 1 explains the aim of the given topic, describes the brewery industry in Europe, and focuses the development of the brewery industry and polish economy after the fall of a communism in 1989 In chapter 2 I decided to present a theoretical background of the strategy and macro-environment theory Chapter 3 focuses the research methodology and approach that was taken in order to analyse it Chapter 4 describes the market analysis, and shortly considers the competition Chapter 5 is about the internal analysis of Royal Unibrew Poland. It presents strategy of the company, its mission and vision of the development. Marketing mix was taken into consideration as well. Chapter 6 was devoted to the analysis of the gathered data And in chapter 7 there are presented conclusions and recommendations for the future Topic and purpose of thesis Strategy is an incremental part of every company, and its success depends mainly on the way it is developed and implemented. Expansion to the foreign markets requires long-term planning and thus good preparation. These factors influence the companys current and future position on the chosen market. The aim of my thesis is to prove that well-developed strategy is the main key to success in expansion to the foreign markets, and it will be based on the case of the polish branch of the Dutch brewery company, Royal Unibrew. Royal Unibrew entered the polish market in 1995, and since this year it has become one of the leading beer producers in Poland. This country has become an opportunity for the foreign investors after the fall of the communism in 1989. Royal Unibrew decided to wait a few years until the polish economy stabilizes, then entered the brewery market and invested in its significant brands. Its further successes were supported by the well-derived strategy, acquaintance with the polish culture, potential customers needs, and rules of the new market. Strategies vary along with the cultures and Case of Royal Unibrew investing in Poland is a great example of the successful foreign investment, which required a clear vision of the companys long-term future, supported by a lot of effort, budget, and experience of the management. Strategy plays here a very important role, and therefore it is considered in the topic of this thesis. Strategy is a part of the vision. is a part of the strategy. Therefore implementation of the strategy Why is the strategy so important for the company? Why is the strategy so important? There is no victory without a good plan of campaign. Strategy is a long-term plan, connected with the current and future position in the environment, and consistent action plan, which helps achieve the goal that has been set earlier. It differentiates one company from another, and separates winners and losers. However, the company cannot focus too much or too less on its vision, because the result may be tragic, for example it influences board problems in personnel, quality, or poor productivity. If we ask any manager about vision of the strategy, he or she is going to give a broad range of different solutions, in order to make person understand difference between corporate strategy and operational planning. Companies Strategy as a determinant of business success in the expansion to the foreign markets : The brewery industry market in Europe and CEE Main players on the market Brewery industry is one the most developing branches in the world. Constantly increasing beer consumption, changing habits of the consumers often looking for the low percentage beers and the developing technology have a strong influence on the further development of the beer industry. European market is rich in different brewery brands, and it is the region, where beer is mostly consumed in the world ( ). However, their position on the market depends on the sales, and therefore some of them stick only to the domestic market and become local leaders ( for example Fà ¶roya Bjà ³r, the only producer of beer and soft drinks in the Faroe Islands, close to Denmark ). Thus, basing on the data from the year 2007, there are ten main players on this market in Europe: Heineken, Interbrew/Ambev, Carlsberg, S N, SABMiller, Radeberger Gruppe, Coors, Anadolou Group, Mahou S.A. and Bitburger. These brewery groups compete very aggressively with each other and promote themselves on each possible occasion ( f. ex. Oktoberfest in Germany Heineken, or World Cups Carlsberg ). They have an advantage over the rest of the brewery companies, because they possibly often use all marketing tools channels, in order to attract peoples attention: TV commercials, internet pop-ups, radio commercials, billboards, posters on bus or train stations. Their strategies are professionally reconsidered and promotion campaigns easily remembered. The meaning of the brewery industry for the economy Economy is strongly influenced by the brewery industry. Brewery market sales in Poland in 2008 made almost 35,6 million hectolitres, what in financial term gave almost 45 billions PLN. This amount was equal to the governments spending for defence which was provided in 2009. There was a double increase between 1993 and 2002 in the beer production, and in 2006 by 7%, where the average Pole has drank about 87 litres. If we compare this achievement to year 1996, we can observe a big difference there were consumed only 29 litres of beer. Polish beer amateurs have caught Europeans, and drink nowadays almost 95-100 litres per year. When it comes to the beer consumption, Poland holds the fifth position in Europe. Brewery industry is one of the main revenues sources for the Treasury. According to the data from year 2007 provided by the Brewing Industry Employers Association of Polish Breweries, it has conducted almost 1,48 billion zloty ( PLN ) for duty. Comparing to the analogue year 2006, there was a 3% increase observed. Moreover, CEOs of the leading breweries were satisfied about the sales. Kompania Piwowarska has sold 18% of the beer more than in 2006 ( 2,2 millions hectolitres have been consumed), and Royal Unibrew Poland boasted with the 5% increase in sales, and 13% in revenues. Target group description Target group of the beer companies varies, because there are different brands of beer with the different tastes. Brewery companies usually focus mature people, men and women, at the age of 18 + ( in some countries 16 + ), and with different needs. Some of them want to relax in silence with a bottle of a good beer at home, some need more excitement with a group of friends at the disco or pub ( they are as well very active, full of energy and optimism ). In order to describe the target group correctly, company has to consider more factors, such as: education, occupation, income, place of living, style of living, way of spending free time, needs of the customer. There is a high potential in the brewery market. Companies focus different target groups. For example Cooler is a great tasty lemon or apple refreshing beverage of the Royal Unibrew company. This product has been designed specially for women looking forward to refreshment during a hot days and nights. According to the data provided by the Royal Unibrew Poland, tasty beers become very popular among women, because there is not such a strong bitterness as it appears in the traditional beers, have a very delicate flavour, and low percentage of alcohol. ( wlasne badania my own contribution to the market research ) Another good example is Tyskie beer, beverage well known in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, and Lithuania. (,1355,beerfest-najwiekszy-festiwal-piwa-w-polsce-chorzow-28-30-08-2009r.html ). Its target group are traditional beer fans mainly working men, with the families, whose priority is their family. Work and other values are subordinated to it. They are loyal customers. As it is said, beer is just for their enjoyment, a form of relaxation, and kind of reward. They do not want to escape from the reality, like many other beer consumers. ( ) General view of the polish economy After the transformation in 1989 Basic problem Poland had to deal with after the fall of the communism were its internal economic problems. Any kind of investment was impossible because the former system contributed huge foreign debt, and 500% hyperinflation ( until 1990 ). Prof. Grzegorz Kolodko mentions, that because of the increasing financial, economic, social, and political imbalance former socialist economies had lost their tempo, and then ability capacity to grow . Moreover, he explains this situation as follows: Huge deficiencies, caused by the inflation pressure, which source lays in the structure and wrong macro-economic management, intensified micro-economic inefficiency and prevented fulfilment of the social needs. The first non-communist government, led by Tadeusz Mazowiecki , decided to implement a so called Balcerowiczs plan ( first minister of finance after 1989 ). The idea of this plan was to liberalise internal prices, increase import, tighten the financial policy and wages control towards enterp rises, implement the interest rates which are higher than inflation, stabilize the dollar and implement possibility of its exchange. Polish economy was stabilized and was opened to the world. Banking system and monetary and credit policy have been reformed. New government created capital market, labour market, and implemented privatisation law in 1990. Transformation of the ownership, independence of the companies, and stimulation of the internal competition were very important in the reformation systems. Policy of the state assets privatization, free-market principles implementation, and decrease of the budget deficit were very fruitful: Inflation decreased to 43%, and during the next years it was just a one-number value Government was so successful, that the creditors decided to lower debt up to 50%, and foreign companies were eager to invest in Poland Year 1991 Warsaw Stock Exchange has been launched. Gross Domestic Product was increasing year by year 4% in 1993, and 7% in 1995. Polish Zloty has been denominated, and dollar stabilized the success of the polish reforms Poland is nowadays a country with the stabilized political system and still developing economy. Whats more, it is an active member of the World Trade Organisation ( WTO ), Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development ( OECD ), and Central European Free-Trade Agreement ( CEFTA ). Transformation processes had a strong influence on the re-valuation of all of the economic areas. Free-market rules, which are based on the dominating and still growing private entrepreneurship position, have been effectively implemented after 1989. Private sector was the main engine of the economic growth. Whats interesting, private sector has led to 75% of increase in the Gross Domestic Product, and employed 70% of the professionally active polish society. Development of the polish economy throughout the years 1995-2005 After the transformation in 1989, polish economy observed a strong economic growth throughout the years 1995-2005, and recession in 2001-2003 in the meantime. Next years are characterised by the constantly changing growth rate with an emphasis on the expected relatively high rate of growth in the subsequent years. Poland is a country with the big economic dynamics. In concentrates mainly the Gross Domestic Product generation in some Polands areas. Years 1995-2005 belonged to Wielkopolskie, Slaskie, Dolnoslaskie, Mazowieckie, and Malopolskie Voivodeships ( provinces ). Since 1996 it has been a member of the OECD, which unites the richest countries in the world. Economic growth in this year was very slow, however still high. GDP increased by 6,6%, and was one of the highest in Europe. Situation of the polish economy today Polish economy has developed very much after the transformation in 1989, and has become one of the biggest economies in the world ( 6th economy in the European Union, and 21st economy in the world ). According to the OECD IX report from 2006, polish economy is in a good condition, since it joined European Union in May, 2004. Social-economic policy has been positively assessed by OECD, and the country has potential to grow and quickly develop. But the main problem Poland has to get through is high rate of unemployment, GDP is below 45% of the EU average, university education doesnt prepare young people for their potential jobs, too high social transfers, and entrepreneurs still have to face the administrative barriers. OECD report mentions areas which have to be changed in order to make polish economy grow faster. First of all these barriers, such as in the supervision or administrative area have to be lifted for the entrepreneurs, simplifying the taxation system, reducing the parafis cal burden and elimination of the corruption. Next thing to consider is improvement of the economic flexibility, and reducing the start-up costs. However, the latest data, presented by Eurel Hermes analysts, shows that the global crisis from 2009 had a strong impact on the global, and polish as well, economy. External financing gap has deepened, and thus government decided to cover it by liquidating the foreign exchange reserves, which melted by 28% from 2008 until the first quarter of 2009. Polish economic structure corresponds to the economic structure of the well developed countries. 64% of the Gross Domestic Product is generated by the services, 32% by the industry, and 4% by the agriculture. Ratio of exports to GDP is 40%, and thus polish economy is not open enough as the foreign economies of the region. Whats more, it has not been influenced negatively by the global recession, which spread over the trade links. Polish economy has been one of the well developing and healthiest in the emerging Europe for the first half a year of 2009. However, as a country which is dependent on the rest of the world it had felt results of the global financial crisis, especially in the . Value of the Polish Zloty has decreased in relation to the major world currencies. However, according to the statistics, GDP has increased in 2009 by 1,7%. Whats more, Central Statistical Office informs, that the industry labour productivity has increased by 2,4%, with the 5,5% smaller employment growth and increase of the average monthly gross payment by 4,9%. Development of the brewery industry Brewery industry revolution started in the 19th century, when the craftsmen decided to change their profession for the well developing business. Thanks to the improvements in the technological development, focusing mainly the methods of bottom-fermentation development of the beer, which required cooling fermenters. Owners of the smaller businesses decided to give up, and gave place to the technologically stronger plants. These were the times, when Okocim brewery from Brzesk began to take its first steps in this business. Most important for the brewery industry were its first ten years of the 20th century. Polish market was seized by almost 500 breweries. Formulas of the beers have been enhanced, and thus new tastes were implemented. Development of the brewery industry had a significant impact on the beers consumption every beer lover drank almost 35 litres of this beverage. Progress of the beer industry development was stopped by the First World War. It bloomed at the end of the gap between First and Second World War, and gained the similar results that it had in year 1915. During the World War II there were thirty six breweries on the lands that belonged to the General Government ( administrative-territorial entity, created under the decree of Adolf Hitler in year 1939 ). After the war first government, the communist party, decided to take over all of the breweries. There were new enterprises coming into existence, like for instance Kasztelan brewery from Sierpc ( small polish town ), but the political situation of the country was very adverse for this industry. However the state enterprises were doing their best to follow the western standards with the different degrees of success. After the transformation in 1989 polish breweries had to adapt to the new market economy, and therefore were able to show their real potential. Beer has a very long historical background, and it still finds new amateurs all over the world. Technological development, production improvements, and increasing demand for this beverage make its sales increase every year. Moreover, thanks to the innovation in the polish brewery industry and its potential, foreign investors feel more encouraged than before 1989. Global brewery industry Global brewery industry is a business which consists of a few dominating multinational companies and hundreds of other smaller beer producers, such as home made or regional breweries. According to the statistics, there are almost 134 billion litres of beer sold per year, what enriched the global treasury by $294,5 billion in 2006. Such a high revenues global brewery industry owes to the Asian, Eastern European, and African beer fans (,75248,1882229.html). Consumption of the beer increases every year. Canadean firms report shows, that in year 2002 there was almost 1,4 billions hectolitres drank all over the world. This number was said by analysts to increase by 7% in 2005. According to the statistics, predictions have come true and it reached 1,5 billions of hectolitres. This table shows, that Czech Republic is the leader in the beer consumption. Each beer fan from this country drinks yearly almost 157 litres of this golden drink . Republic of Ireland takes the second place with 131,1 litres drank, and Germany third place with 115,8 litres. Poland is said to be one of the most drinking countries in the world. According to these data, its position is not that high, because it takes 18th place with 69,1 litres per each beer drinking Pole annually. Modern brewery market wide opened for the other types of beer selling. Microbrewery is responsible for producing a limited amount of beer, which depends on the region and on the authority. It has permission for making 18,000 hectolitres per year, in order to adjust the production to the predetermined standards required for the regional breweries. Nowadays, the global brewery market leader is Belgian Anheuser-Busch InBev with 25% of the market share. It was taking the third position after SABMiller, the first leader, and InBev which holded the second place. In 1987 its first equivalent, Anheuser-Busch decided to merge with InBev, and this operation has led it to the top in the brewery industry. Its fourteen brands, out of 300, generate almost $ 1 billion annually in revenue ( ) Overview of the brewery industry in Poland after 1989 Transformation in 1989 has led to intensive changes in the polish brewery industry. They are connected with the increase in the beer consumption, and production concentration in the newest great breweries. Looking back at the changes that were implemented in the polish economy after 1989, and comparing them to what the former government has achieved between years 1945-1989, we can observe a positive influence of the new political system and thus potential and opportunities to increase growth in every area. Brewery industry in Poland had experienced a violent sales growth between 1994-2000, and then the consumers slowed down their beer consumption. But this situation did not have any negative impact on its further development. On the contrary brewery market is still developing and growing, and high operation profits have been observed in this branch. There are four main and few local brewery companies operating on the polish market ( and their market shares in %; data for year 2009): Kompania Piwowarska ( Brewing Company; brands: Tyskie, Lech, Zubr ) 45% Zywiec Group ( brands: Zywiec, Warka, Tatra ) 35% Carlsberg Poland ( Carlsberg, Okocim, Harnas ) 13% Royal Unibrew Poland ( Lomza, Strzelec ) 4% Other 50 breweries; with below than 10% of the market shares, are Belgia from Kielce, Perla from Browary Lubelskie, and Brok from Koszalin. ( there are 50 small breweries in Poland ) ( Comparing the situation on the market from the last year to year 2008, we can observe a diametrical changes that occurred in the meantime. There were three main players on this market two years ago: Kompania Piwowarska ( 41% ), Zywiec Group ( 34%) , and Carlsberg Poland ( 12%). Royal Unibrew joined them in 2009. As we see, market shares of each of them have increased at least by 1% ( Carslberg Poland and Zywiec Group ), and by 4% ( Kompania Piwowarska ) after one year. Situation on the brewery industry today There are two fields which characterise the todays brewing industry: Global aspect, where most of the large breweries groups decide to merge Regional aspect In this case small and medium-sized brewery companies start to actively operate on their market and therefore develop a wide range of products which have their roots in the territory they come from Nowadays the global brewery market offers its consumers almost 1,5 billions of hectolitres. In year 2003 the leader and the best beer producers market on the global brewery market and was Anhauser Busch, with the almost 130 millions of beer hectolitres sold all over the world. SABMiller took the second place with 125 millions of hectolitres sold, and third place belonged to Heineken with 99 millions of hectolitres sold. In 2010 two breweries decided to merge: Belgian InterBrev and Brasilian Ambev. According to the analysts predictions, effect of this merge will lead to the annual sale of 190 millions hectolitres in the future. Introduction to the Royal Unibrew Poland History of the company Royal Unibrew was the local leader in the brewery market, but during its 150 year old existence it has becomethe second largest brewery group in Denmark. It has been operating on the European brewery market since 1856, however the name of the company is of recent date. Two companies, Faxe Bryggeri A/S and Jyske Bryggerier A/S (Ceres Bryggerierne and Thor Bryggerierne), operating on the Dutch market in the 80s wanted to grow stronger and thus become leaders in the brewery industry in Denmark. They decided to merge in 1989, and changed the name for Bryggerierne Faxe Jyske A/S, but the final decision was Bryggerigruppen A/S in 1992. The company is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange since 1998, and one forth of its shareholders ( 14,000 of all ) are foreigners. Now, Faxe, Ceres and Thos complemented each other perfectly: Faxe was strong in the retail trade and on soft drinks and lager beer with nation-wide status. On the export side, Faxe was traditionally strong in the German, UK and Swedish markets Ceres and Thor manifested themselves with strong beer and special products in Jutland and in restaurants and bars. Ceres strongest export strongholds were Italy and the Caribbean. In the beginning of its foreign expansion Royal Unibrew focused Italy, Germany, and the Carribean as its first export markets. Strong brands of Ceres have made it a leader among the imported brands in the Italian market. Its product Der Grosse Dane has won the hearts of the German society. There are three markets Royal Unibrew takes into consideration: The Western Europe Market consisted of the beer and juice markets in Denmark, Italy, Germany, and Cross-Border Trade The Eastern Europe Market consisted of the beer, juice and soft drinks markets in Lithuania, Latvia and Poland Malt and Overseas Markets international markets for malt drinks, beer and soft drinks exports to markets where there are no companys representatives Royal Unibrew decided to invest in Poland in the early 90s, and then started exporting Faxe beer from Denmark to Poland. It expanded the business in Poland in 1994, created a trade-distribution company and named it Faxe Poland LLC. Next step it made was purchasing its first breweries in Jedrzejà ³w and Koszalin in Poland in 2005. Royal Unibrew is the second alcohol producer in the Baltic states, and the largest Scandinavian alcohol exporter. There are four breweries on Denmark, three in Poland ( Strzelec in Jedrzejà ³w, Strzelec/Brok, Lomza Brewery, Sagittarius/Brok, and half of the shares in Perle ) and one non-alcohol plant in Latvia. Companys position on the market Royal Unibrew Poland is the fourth biggest brewery company on the polish market ( after Kompania Piwowarska, Carlsberg Poland, Grupa Zywiec S.A. ) with the 3% of market shares.. Royal Unibrew has been operating on the global market for 150 years already, and it focuses mainly the regional brands. There are thirteen breweries and one plant for the non-alcoholic drinks production. Polish branch of Royal Unibrew implements the strategy that involves the development of the strong regional brands. Company has been searching for many years for brands which are heavily related with their regions and liked by their consumers. Therefore the main Royal Unibrew Polands regional brands are Lomza, Brok, and Strzelec. Company invested in year 2009 in the development of Lomza brand. Lomza has joined the Royal Unibrews strategic brands portfolio, as one of its strongest brands in the polish market. With almost 40 years old tradition, it has the biggest potential among Royal Unibrews brands. Lomza has many loyal consumers, and it is very popular in the north-east part of Poland. Thanks to Lomza brand Royal Unibrew Poland has a gained a strong position in the north-east region, Baltic Coast in the area of Central POmerania, and in the south: Malopolska and in Silesia, close to Rybnik town. Company has observed the Lomza brands increasing presence in the Warsaw area, and in the commercial networks in whole Poland. CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH AND DESIGN ON METHODOLOGY The Research Background The aim of my research was to find out how the strategy makes company successful during its expansion to the foreign market. Royal Unibrew is a Dutch global company, and I decided to focus its polish branch. The reason for this approach is that the management board from Warsaw and people living and working in this city are more accessible for me in order to get an appropriate data for my research. I had a possibility to have a closer look on the different types of data that I was provided with, and thus describe them in my MA thesis, and answer the stated primary and secondary questions: Primary How does the strategy influence the Royal Unibrew international success? Secondary What motivated Dutch to invest in brewery business in Poland? What were the main entry barriers, that Royal Unibrew had to deal with? How has the strategy influenced the current position on the market? Deductive approach has been undertaken in this research. Qualitative Research Method Approach ( bardziej zglebie temat niz zwykle suche dane, subiektywne poglady ludzi ) This approach has helped me in gaining detailed data about situation of the Royal Unibrews alcohol products on the polish market, and deepen it by considering different different approach methods. Face-to-face interview with Mrs Beata Pawlowska ( CEO of the Royal Unibrew Poland ) and survey among beer consumers of a different age and gender were required to make this analysis better understood. They were asked about the motivations behind choosing the given beer brand. Customers choice is driven by the prepared strategy, which is implemented by the company and thus the good advertisement. I took a closer look at the information covered in the magazines and newspapers articles about the brewery market in Poland, subjective opinions of people, and internet different latest data sources were taken into consideration as well. They will help me support the data I gather for my thesis research. Poland is an attractive country for different types of investments. Dutch branch of Royal Unibrew found an opportunity for extra revenues after fall of communism in Poland in 1989 and thus open up for the developed western side. It had to adapt to the brand new culture and A larger group of respondents was helpful and thus I could have a more clear view on the beer demand from the practical side. However, with the respect to the scheduled time of Mrs Beata Pawlowska and beer consumers, in accordance with Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill ( 2000 ) all ethical issues had to be considered during the interview. When it comes to the consumers opinions, they were relatively similar. They appreciate Lomza beer, because it tastes more bitter than Zywiec, Warka, or Zubr. They said that the more bitter is the chosen beer, the more masculine is the person that drinks it. I asked also a seller working in the local area shop ( Jago in Warsaw, Bielany district ) about the beer which is more appreciated by the customers. According to their opinions price of the product is very attractive ( Lomza 3 zl, Zywiec 3,50 zl, Warka 3,70 zl ), and thus they are more eager to buy it. Lower price actually does not result in the clients suspicion towards the beer, because they dont really care about its quality. Zywiec and Warka are considered often by both genders in the age between 20 and 45, however there appeared a strong increase in the Lomzas sales. This is confirmed by Mrs Beata Pawlowska: Within ten months in year 2009 we have increased our sales by 4%, and I can say that we have closed the previous year with the 5% increase ( Lomza beer is sold in 500 ml bottles, and interviewed people mentioned that thanks to its shape it is easy to handle and therefore they enjoy it more while drinking. They put an emphasis on the beers association with the summer, when it easily quenches thirst. Taste of bitter beverage makes them feel relaxed. This means, that the value of the Royal Unibrew Polands products gained importance in the consumers eyes. Moreover, distribution and sales increase of the Lomza beer has been supported by the marketing actions and TV campaigns in the whole Poland. Frequent promotions and low prices catch customers attention, and So the results are positive for the company. Data Collection I collected the data by interviewing CEO of the Royal Unibrew Poland, accidental people, the local shop seller, and searching through the internet database. Sample group was chosen for this approach, and both genders were asked different questions that were strongly connected with the companys strategy. I focused a non-standardised unstructured interviews, where the data needed for the research could be analysed in-depth. I followed Sauners, Lewis and Thornhill ( 2000 ) where they inform that the sample group should have an opportunity to talk freely about the area of the chosen research. Non-directive approach was taken in this case. This method is good for the area of my research because it helps me gain a

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Cars :: essays research papers fc

Works Cited McBride, Gordon. â€Å"Automobile Manufacturing.† Career Information Center. 2 vols. New York: MacMillan Library Reference USA, 1996 p. 98-100 Tardiff, Joseph, ed.â€Å" Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Equipment.† US Industry Profiles. New York: Gale Research, 1998 p. 394-401 Broughty, James. Careers in Transport. Chicago: The Institute for Research, 1999 Womack, James P., Jones, Daniel T., and Roos, Daniel. The Machine that Changed the World. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1990 Farr, Max. â€Å"Automobile Industry.† Hoover’s Online. Online. Internet. February 2000 There is no industry more present in the world-wide community than the automobile industry. The automobile has changed the lives, culture, and economy of the people and nations that manufacture and demand them. Ever since the late 1800s when the first â€Å"modern† car was invented by Benz and Daimler in Germany, the industry has grown into a billion dollar industry affecting so many aspects of our lives. There are more than 400 million passenger cars alone on the roads today. During the early part of the twentieth century, the United States was home to more than 90 percent of the world’s automotive industry, but has shrunk to about 20 percent in today’s world. This drastic change has occurred by the booming economies in such nations as Japan, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, and other nations. The US auto industry â€Å"sales totaled $205 billion, or 3.3 percent of the total Gross Domestic Product.† (Tardiff 394) By the end of 19th century, there were abou t 500 auto manufacturers, but that number dropped sharply to 23 by 1917, and today the Big Three dominate the market. Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler make up the Big Three which account for 23 percent of the world’s motor vehicle production in 1997, with the Japanese industries coming in second, producing 21 percent. Germany produces 9 percent, Spain, France, South Korea, and Canada each produce 5 percent of the international market in 1997. In the US alone, the auto industry, which includes it’s 500,000 car-related businesses, create 12 million jobs. The automobile is clearly an oligopoly, but each company’s control of the market has gradually diminished because of rising foreign competition. The US has three main auto manufacturers, Japan has five major producers as does Germany. Each of these companies produce differentiated versions of the same product, have control over their products’ prices, and rely heavily on non-price competition. Each compan y produces a new line of cars for each model annually.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Tale Tell Heart and Goose Girl

Jack Mitchell Mr. Glen Smith English1302 Oct 10,2012 Compare/Contrast Essay Assignment #2 The unnamed narrator in Edgar Allan Poe’s â€Å"A Tell- Tale Heart† and the chambermaid in the Grimm Brothers â€Å"The Goose Girl† both possess strikingly similar characteristics. Both show aggression and use violence to get what they want but are very careful of how they go about it and covering it up. In Poe’s story, the unnamed narrator kills an elderly man that he is caring for because the old man has a foul looking eye that is covered with a white film.This is what is slowly driving him insane but afterwards he ingeniously decides to hide the body incase someone heard the noise of the olds man body. This is so he does not get arrested for his murder and when the police do stop they believe his story and do not suspect anything, until he gives them a reason. The chambermaid on the other hand forcefully and violently makes the princess, who she knows wont stand up for her self, switch places with her simply because she wants to live the life of the princess.She also makes the princess swear to secrecy so she never has to worry about her true identity being unveiled. Later, she cleverly kills the princess’s talking horse, which was the only witness to what happened between the chambermaid and the real princess’s. In Poe’s â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart† the unnamed narrator is caring for an elderly man who isn’t capable of taking care of himself. The elderly man has a bad eye that has a silky film over the top of it. The narrator becomes sickened and essentially afraid of the eye.He decides that the only way he can get rid of these feelings is to kill the old man thus getting rid of the eye forever Originally, he is hesitant to actually go through with his plan, but he knows it is the only way to end his torture. â€Å"I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever† (303). He waits until the time is right when the eye is open to kill him â€Å"I did for seven long nights every night just at midnight, but I found the eye always closed; and so it was impossible to do the work† (303).He feels he must kill the man with the evil eye open because â€Å"for it was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye† (303). Once he finally kills the man, he decides to hide the body incase someone heard the noise or the beating of the man’s heart, which is now driving him even more insane. However, when he was finished cleaning up someone rang his doorbell and when he opened it, â€Å"There entered three men, who introduced themselves, with perfect suavity, as officers of the police† (305). The narrator gave the police a very believable story and they were satisfied.He was almost scott free, but then he starts to hear the thumping of the mans heart and starts going crazy. Convinced the police heard the noise too he ripped up th e planks revealing the body of the elderly man. In the Grimm Brothers â€Å"The Goose Girl†, the chambermaid of the princess so desperately wants to the live the lavish care free life of the princess she decides to test her fate by taking action. This is when her violent behavior is seen for the first time, when she decides to forcefully and violently begin to curse at the princess to dress up as a chambermaid so she can take the princess’s place.She also made the princess to swear to never tell anyone what happened. â€Å"Then with many harsh words, the chambermaid ordered the princess to take off her own royal clothing and put on the chambermaid's shabby clothes. And in the end the princess had to swear under the open heaven that she would not say one word of this to anyone†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (406) When she finally arrives at the castle and marries the king, she asks him for a favor. â€Å"Send for the knacker, and have the head of the horse which I rode here cut off. â €  (408) This is her way of making sure that there are no loose ends and that there is no one or thing that can revel her true identity.However, she does not know the horse can still talk after its’ been beheaded. This small overlooked detail is the root cause to her downfall. The Narrator is portrayed as an insane man who starts to lose control of whatever sanity he has left once he comes into contact with the elderly mans grotesque eye that he thinks is evil. Even though he is portrayed as crazy, in reality he has not lost his mind completely, in he fact that he actually watches the man, investigates the room, and checks the eye to see if it is open â€Å"every night just at midnight†(303). He did this for seven nights, hich clearly shows that he has not completely lost his grip on reality. By waiting for the perfect chance to strike shows patience, mentally and physically. Another sign the narrator was not totally insane was that he had a face-to-face conversatio n with three police officers. In the end, â€Å"The officers were satisfied† and believed his alibi. There is no way a person said to have lost his mind completely could have fooled three trained police officers. On the other hand, the chambermaid in â€Å"The Goose Girl† is seen as a cunning, tough character throughout the story.However, towards the end of the story her true colors begin to shine. By her sending out the knacker to â€Å"have the head of the horse which I rode here cut off, for it angered me on the way. †(306). This shows that she has started to worry and stress over her secret getting out. By her having everything and everyone who could tell her secret around her taken away is the first sign of weakness from her. It is a sign of weakness because she is doing everything possible to save herself and only herself.Lastly, the reason why both the chambermaid and the narrator both got caught and failed to get away was due to them. The narrator was ho me free until he started to panic, thinking the guards could hear what he was hearing he finally lost it â€Å"dissemble no more! I admit the deed! —tear up the planks! here, here! —It is the beating of his hideous heart! † (306). The chambermaid had it done what she had set out to do. However, if she would have stopped and trusted the promise the princess gave her from the beginning she would have been fine.She instead decided to take things into her own hands and had the talking horse beheaded. Finally, the reader can see that both of the characters used every means necessary to get what they wanted which included violence to get what they want but are also very careful of how they go about it and covering it up.Work Cited Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. â€Å"The Goose-Girl. † Kinder-und Hausmarchen. 7th ed. D. L. Ashilman, trans. Berlin: n. p. , 1857. Print Poe, Edgar Allan. â€Å"The Tell-Tale Heart. † The complete Tales and Poems of Edgar All an Poe. New York: Random House, 1975. Print.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Hollywood Cinema Essay Example

Hollywood Cinema Essay Example Hollywood Cinema Essay Hollywood Cinema Essay Prediction of Dramatic Intensity Trends in Successful Hollywood Cinema â€Å" I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries. † (Frank Capra) Hollywood movies have several elements like drama, action and comedy skillfully weaved into them. However not all movies are able to make a mark with the average viewer or the critics. Some movies tend to handle these elements in a better way than others, making them successful box-office earners, while others despite some really interesting scenes are not able to make it. It is quite intriguing that despite a great storyline and well-written screenplay, some of these movies are not able to hold the interest of the movie audience through the entire run. Thus, is it possible that the pattern of these elements can be deciphered to reveal an underlying trend in successful Hollywood cinema? This paper attempts to uncover a paradigm of dramatic scenes sketched in the all time classic, My Fair Lady, based on a play by Bernard Shaw titled Pygmalion (1913). My Fair Lady was a landmark, academy award-winning (1964) movie produced by Jack L. Warner of the Warner Bros. Picture. It was adapted to the movie version from a musical play with a book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner. The movie was directed by George Cukor and starred Audrey Hepburn as a poor girl Eliza Doolittle, with a Cockney accent who sold flowers. Professor Higgins, an irascible and egotistical professor of phonetics, struck a bet with fellow linguist Colonel Pickering to transform the uncouth Eliza Doolittle into a charming lady who could pass of for the â€Å"Queen of Sheeba†. What followed was a dramatic and hilarious set of episodes that included the tutoring sessions and the bond that developed between Doolittle And Higgins. The movie was an immensely popular musical and swept the academy awards with eight Oscars including best movie and the equivalent of best male lead for Rex Harrison. That Audrey Hepburn did not win an award, was quite a matter of controversy. My Fair Lady has inspired and been spoofed by many theater plays and television programs. It impacted fashion trends across Europe and America with the exquisite costumes designed by Cecil Beaton. This despite the fact that Lerner did not find it anywhere near the version directed by Moss Hart for Broadway. He also disliked the fact that the movie was shot in the Warner Bros. studios, instead of its original settings of London. The following section of this paper will make an attempt to study and explore the movie as a subject of analysis for a presentation style or pattern that makes it stand out as such a remarkable piece. The section tries to isolate one outstanding characteristic component and how it is spread over the movie. It elucidates on the proposition of defining a scene-based trend for dramatic play in the movie, to uncover an underlying schema for dramatic intensity distributions, a measurable and mathematically applied concept developed in this paper that can potentially identify successful movies. The paper than proceeds to introduce mathematical parameters developed for the analysis and the methods used to collect the data. The data is the converted into a form that can be used to apply the analytical concepts and presented as a measurable, defined and self-explanatory. The fourth section of the paper analyses the collected and formatted data to discover plausible logically valid trends that can be observed strongly enough to   lead to a conclusion. The section then summarizes the observations in mathematical terms and outlines the trends and their interpretations. The last section of the paper draws a conclusion based on the observations made. It also extends on what are the implications of these observations. Methods for developing concepts used for identifying trends There are several elements and presentation styles that are adopted by Hollywood movies in their screenplay. These styles and their language have evolved over time. But what remains unchanged is the presence of basic elements of storytelling. When one of these elements dominates a movie screenplay, the movie is classified under a genre defined by the element. Of the basic story elements in a movie, counted amongst the most common and rudimentary is drama. While action and comedy might be absent or minimal in some stories, drama is an unavoidable element of a screenplay. Thus this paper chooses to study the drama component of the movie ‘My Fair Lady ‘ and isolate a pattern in the use of dramatic intensity in its screenplay. Several other components could be used as basic parameters to isolate a pattern like the level of surprise associated through every defined unit of the movie. An interesting extension of the study would be to compare the trends and interrelationships of different basic elements in a movie, and see how a dominating pattern can offset the weaker parameter. Additionally, if this method proves productive, the study of various elements over a large sample set of successful movies can give an insight into which elements dictate viewer choice most.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Where Have All the Guns Gone essays

Where Have All the Guns Gone essays In todays society guns are everywhere. News casts shower the public with stories about gun violence, movie heroes blow away the bad guys, cartoon characters brazenly shower each other with flying bullets, and children shoot each other in school rooms. When is it going to stop? Gun control advocates believe that the answer lies in more and more laws designed to restrict ownership of firearms to the public. Gun rights advocates think that such laws are an infringement on civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. They want more enforcement of existing laws and tougher punishments for breaking current laws. Everyone agrees that something must change. However, what that something should be has sparked fierce public debate. The latest change has been the introduction of background checks and a waiting period before purchasing a firearm. The Brady Handgun Control Act of 1993 incorporated this change and made it mandatory for all States. Recently the Supreme C ourt overturned parts of the law, however, many States adopted similar laws requiring the same checks. Studies and statistics indicate that although some criminals are declined when trying to buy guns legally, many obtain guns anyway. Due to loopholes in the law and poor enforcement of the laws provisions, the Brady Handgun Control Act and others like it do not keep criminals from obtaining weapons. The assassination attempt of President Ronald Reagan by John Warren Hinckley Jr. on March 30, 1981, just two months into President Reagans first term, seems to be a turning point in the gun control debate. Hinckley fired several shots with a revolver, hitting the President in the chest, and his Press Secretary, James Brady in the head. The assassination was an attempt to gain the attention of actress Jody Foster (Issues and Controversies). It also sparked a fierce debate over the ease of accessibility...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Journal Review.Describing Trends & Reading Closely Essay

Journal Review.Describing Trends & Reading Closely - Essay Example Also, economic concepts can be explained in a much simpler way to others by creating similarities or analogies to things which may be expected to be well-known to most audiences. Thus, I have gained a wider perspective on the range of applicability, the importance of an accumulation of experiences for better understanding of theories and ideas found in books, and the possible uses of most theoretical concepts that I have learned so far and will still learn in my chosen field. Compared with other popular publications such as magazines, newspapers, books, and other kinds of printed media that are most often freely published without much scrutiny and are available to a wide variety of audiences, academic or scholarly journals are more often than not the product of numerous and rigorous screenings and editing of it wholly, from grammar to soundness and validity of the content (Olson 52). Due to a much more focused or narrow-ranged audiences that are mostly within specific lines of work, research, or subjects, academic or scholarly journals are the kinds of publications which are not readily available to common folk, and even among most academicians or learned folk the information contained in these publications are not necessary applicable for them in their everyday lives since most of these journals and their individual articles have more or less specificities in their intended audiences. In addition, there is a higher rejection rate among these kinds of articles, mainly due to the possible stance of the information that if disseminated, could change the course of different disciplines. The need to scrutinize is rather a daunting task since not all members of the discourse community are easily swayed by the content, and oftentimes have their own counterarguments based on their own knowledge, experiences, and if possible, theories. The discourse community that reviews or screens the content of such journals can be said to be rough and rather unforgiving, while at t he same time dynamic since â€Å"over time, certain issues are put to rest and new issues are explored† (53). In a way, the information being assimilated and gathered in most academic or scholarly journals can either become pioneering or disposable, depending on the speed in updating or affirming certain ideas or concepts released in these kinds of publications. For explaining the contents and the scopes of scholarly or academic journals, the Journal of Economic Essays published by Wiley-Blackwell, a part of the John Wiley & Sons group is the journal chosen for this project. As an aspirant coming from the field of economics, I have chosen this journal since I am confident that with the knowledge that I have learned in my studies on my field of specialization, I may be able to translate the concepts embedded in some articles from the journal to inform others outside of my field not just about this journal’s visions and objectives, but of the idea of economics as a whole . Also, this publication is a rather inclusive one, as it is indicated in the author guidelines that most of the articles acceptable for publication were written in a way that more people can appreciate the content due to lesser economic jargons and more colloquial terms that many readers can understand (John Wiley & Sons). Also, in my opinion using a journal that has lesser technical jargon can be an inviting way to make people or readers from other fields to become relieved from being overwhelmed or